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Sat 18 May 2024 01:13:16 AM CDT: This site is about to be upgraded to a new software release. If you are in the process of entering information, please complete it in the next few minutes and then log off, to ensure that you are not interrupted. If you were about to start entering details, please wait until this message is removed. You may continue to browse content on the site during the upgrade if you wish. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.



Finish MS is proud to partner with friends who share our passion. We invite you to learn more sponsoring Finish MS and our mission to create a world free of MS.

The National MS Society is a community of passionate individuals who want to do something about MS now. Join our community. Become a National Sponsor today! Our goal with our sponsors is to build long-term partnerships that assist our organization's efforts to maximize fundraising donations while offering businesses a platform to showcase their dedication to helping our community. Finish MS offers sponsorship opportunities that can be customized to best fit your company’s needs. If you are interested in sponsoring Finish MS nationally, please contact us.


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